More Ways to help restaurants: Dining Bond and Gift Cards

dining bond

These are tough times in Connecticut for Restaurants

According to the Connecticut Restaurant Association, our local restaurants contribute to a significant portion of our labor force.

  • There are more than 8,500 eating and drinking establishments across Connecticut
  • Connecticut’s restaurant industry employs more than 160,000 people, part of a local hospitality industry that accounts for 10 percent of the state workforce
  • Nationally, 50 percent of the U.S. food dollar comes through the restaurant industry

To help with the cash flow, you can help by buying a Gift Card. Most restaurants operate with out much in cash reserves, sometimes only a week or two. By purchasing a gift card you help out cash-strapped companies during this dining shutdown.

You could think of it as a “dining bond.” And someone has taken it a step further.

A dining bond is like a regular bond

You purchase the bond at a discounted rate, and then after a period of time, redeem for a greater amount. The website that is offering them is letting each restaurant set the discount rate and redemption period.

New York Restaurants Worked Together to Kick Off the Idea

In an extraordinary effort a group of New York restaurants conceived of the plan and created a website called that is offering for sale these dining bonds, and not just for New York City but across the country. You don’t buy the bonds from that website, but through the restaurant itself.

A newsletter I received this morning said “As of yesterday, the website had already attracted 142 partner restaurants to its platform (hungry readers can find a map of the restaurants, which are located across the US, here).” There were no restaurants listed from Norwalk yet, but you can tell your favorite restaurant about the program so they can participate. Meanwhile let’s get the word out. Please share!

#diningbonds #supportrestaurants

The site is run by a non-profit that is not collecting fees from its partners. (If you own or work at a restaurant and want to get involved, go to the partner link here.).

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