Address: 633 Hope St, Stamford, CT 06907
Phone: (203) 614-8511
Best Time Ever allows kids of all ages to be creative in a fun environment. Creativity is the art of combining things in a new way. At Best Time Ever, we foster that creativity by giving kids a chance to paint, draw, and create a variety of unique art projects.
Projects include ceramic sculptures, wooden pieces, plaster and paper crafts, wearable art, painting, and more!
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Dashiell Hammet’s Last Novel

  The first time I saw the movie The Thin Man was during the heyday of UHF television, and some obscure channel was playing detective movies on Saturday mornings. It wasn’t until many years later

On this day, the first film was screened in Paris

On this day in 1895, Parisians were introduced to the first commercial movie screening of a film by brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière. The early days of filmmaking were highly competitive, but the work of